Current Employment Opportunities

Please find information about open positions listed below. The co-op’s needs change frequently. If you are interested and think that you might be a good fit for the co-op team, feel free to send in an application and/or resume and we’ll keep it on file in case any opportunities come up that seem like a good fit.

Open Positions and date posted:

Board Administrative Coordinator – 10/20/24

How to Apply:

1) Fill out an on-line application HERE

2) Download, print, and fill out the Employment Application /Solicitud de Empleo

3) Pick up an application in-store by the register.

4) Email your completed application to or drop it off in person.

Supplemental documents you may wish to submit with your application include cover letter, resume and letters of recommendation.

Feel free to submit an application and supporting documents also if you are interested in permanent positions at the Co-op and we will keep your information on file to reach out if an opportunity opens up.

***Please note that schedule flexibility and ability to work weekends is required for consideration.***